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Chamber Luncheon
The Salmon Valley Chamber of Commerce luncheon is held on the second Wednesday of every month at 12noon at various local member eateries.  We usually feature a guest speaker or two that we think will be of interest to our membership.  Luncheons last one hour and typically cost $8/member, $10/non-member.



$25/week non members

Past Luncheons
Feb. 8, 2012- Salmon Valley Innovation and Business Center-Speakers: Katie Hoffman- Speed interviews.
December 14th- Sacajewea Center- Open House Meet and Greet City Council
November 9th- Salmon Valley and Innovation Center- Formation Capital, Oddfellow's Bakery
October 12, 2011- The Elk's Lodge, Speaker Idaho Power
June 8, 2011- The Kitchen, 710 Union Ave.Speaker: Mary Cerise, Salmon Arts Council
May 11, 2011- Middle School Gymnasium- Joey Foote Bond for new school
April 13, 2011- SMMC Jeff Hill
March 9, 2011- Salmon Valley Business and Innovation Center
February 9, 2011 Innovation Center- Formation Capital
January 12, 2011  The Ranch- Cattleman of the Year Celebration
December 8, 2010 Last Chance Pizza- State of the Chamber
November 10, 2010 Dave's Pizza
October 13, 2010 Innovation Center- Tammy Stringham, Economic Director

Upcoming Luncheons

March 14, 2012- Last Chance Pizza- Speaker on the Local Food Group

Board Meetings
The Salmon Valley Chamber of Commerce Board Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month at the Chamber office (Salmon City Center - 200 Main Street).  Meetings begin at 6:00 pm.
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Salmon Idaho Chamber of Commerce
toll free 800.727.2540  |  local 208.756.2100
© Salmon Valley Chamber of Commerce. All Rights Reserved
SVCC Bylaws
As a 501(c)6 non-profit membership organization, we adhere to a set of governing bylaws. You can read them in detail here.