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The Salmon Valley Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to our official travel and tourism web site. We invite prospective travelers to visit our beautiful city of Salmon, Idaho and surrounding areas through the pages of our tourism web site. This site is designed to provide you with plenty of information about Salmon and the surrounding area. We want you to make Salmon, Idaho your next vacation destination! Browse the site and take note of our local business that will be sure to help you with your travel plans and finding your way around this magnificent country. It is our hope that you will find our site as friendly, informative and interesting as you will find our town, our businesses and our residents when you get here! 
Salmon Valley Chamber of Commerce
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Salmon River Days
visit idaho
Just a few reasons to visit Salmon, Idaho...
  • Birthplace of Sacajawea
  • On the Lewis & Clark Trail
  • Whitewater Capital of the World
  • On the "River of No Return"
  • Gateway to the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness 
  • Featured in OutdoorLife Magazine

Take advantage of what we have to offer - the Salmon River, whitewater rafting, Lewis and Clark Expedition historical sites, the beautiful Lemhi Valley, Williams Lake, the Nez Perce Trail, the Lewis Clark Trail, and Lemhi Pass.
Click here to see photo credits.
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Salmon Chamber of Commerce

Letter to the Community

Featured Business of the Month
must be present at monthly luncheon to be drawn
Bronze bear sculpture in Salmon, Idaho
Become a Friend of the Bear
You can help give the bear a beautiful park to live in on Main Street in Salmon. Click here to learn more about this wonderful public arts project.
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